SUGAR4 is a series of related components, working together to keep you updated on what is happening at the sugarcane plantation. Some questions answered by SUGAR4 are:
How much did it cost to produce one bag of sugar from this field for a specific crop year? What is my break even production? What fields are productive or which fields are not turning a profit? What did I do in the productive fields that differ from those those that are losing money? Will I have enough seed material for next year? Which equipment is eating up profit?
Non-stop Innovation and Development
The product of more than a decade of development and consultancy, SUGAR4 is the first software to offer all the tools needed by sugarcane farm managers. Not only do we satisfy your information needs, we also pursue new solutions to aid in efficienct management. Our recent accomplishments include porting portions of SUGAR4 to the Palm PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) and integrating geographical information (GIS) to the GPS services of SUGAR4.
Fast and Reliable Information
From its first release in 1994 SUGAR4 has grown to meet the planters’ demand for fast and reliable information. Our list of clientelle has grown to total more than 60,000 hectares. Using SUGAR4 they have cut down the time needed to collate data. Farm owners will be able to get detailed information without spending more for data entry.
Get Your Investment Back Many Times Over
SUGAR4 will help increase your profits by streamlining your operations. SUGAR4 reports will help you see how farm practices affect your profit, non-performing fields and varieties, field work excesses and many more. SUGAR4 has the detailed information needed to back up each one of its summary reports.
Excellent After Sales Support
Our after sales support is what distinguishes us from all other software developers. The software has context sensitive help. If that is not enough, our friendly help desk personnel are well trained and ready to help you with any questions you may have. Our company continue to serve the original SUGAR4 users from 1994.
Manage In Comfort Anywhere
Whether you’re in the farm, in Manila or half a world away SUGAR4 provides you with the same information. The latest data can be sent quickly through e-mail wherever you are. SUGAR4 is now also portable; carry all your SUGAR4 reports in a small Palm PDA. Enroll with our internet service and view SUGAR4 reports and GIS at www.sugar4.net!